Friday, June 13, 2014

Am back ,

Hey guys am back , after my tiring terminals , now the semester is end and i have a lot of summer vacations. so now i gonna upload many posts as possible for me . this time you will not get disappoint by my side

Sunday, May 18, 2014

MY Project :P

well i do apology to you guys , because i cant give you the more posts about PURE JAVA , actually i was busy in making my semester Project of Networking . i Want to share
 it with You guys. And my final exams are just about to come.Through this Messenger 2 persons can talk to each other while they are using 2 different end systems, cool huh... I promise i will give you the new posts as soon as possible , if any you you interested in knowing the code of this project Contact me on , twitter or Fb .
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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Java recommended Books

1 ) How to program Java by Dietel
2) First head in java
3) Beginning java ee with glass fish

You can download any latest versions of these books , believe me guys reading these books alongside with code , your concepts will go on top.
Choose any of it.

In 1st recommended book you can get a good source code related to many good programs like Instant messenger.
For syntax read first head in java.

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Awan is back

Hello guys am back..My exams are over , dont ask me how they were gone . I can only tell you that they  are gone :D . Its quite natural  no one likes exams , same happens to me , but thanks To ALLAH i did my best and hope for the good result :D :v

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Academic Exams ,

Hello guys , well i do apology because i promised to you guys  that i will give you the regular posts on Java.
Actually my Exams are started from the coming monday so thats why i am not able to upload till friday of the next week , i hope you people will understand..

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Friday, April 11, 2014

what will happen to world without JAVA , must see

/*Am sharing this link of fb , this link has a wonderful imagination / passion of  PURE  JAVA lovers
if you guys are on fb , then goo must see and share this video */

One class passing a variable to another class

    import java.util.Scanner;
public class Teaching {
      public static void main (String args[])
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
tuna tunaobject = new tuna();
System.out.println("Enter your gf name please");
String temp =  input.nextLine();

/*now make an other class with tuna name  or you can use an other name which suits you better *

class tuna {

 private String girlname;
  public  void setname(String name)
 girlname=  name;
  public String getname()
return girlname;
 public void saying()
        /* in this method i'll just using a c format in java for printing a statement , sometimes it gonna be more good if you are getting a input from the user in a string and printed out in a simple way OR you can use the another way for printed a statement with string data type which i taught you earlier codes*/
 System.out.printf("Your ex gf was %s respectively", getname());

/*In void setname method we just setting a name to a girlname*/
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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Eclipse installation

Hello guys , well am getting messages about the new post of Pure Java and installation of  eclipse.
Well i promise from coming Saturday you will receive a regular post on Pure Java. On the other side about installation first you have to install a JDK OR JRE for Java which  produces a running environment for Java , after instilling this you just have to download a Eclipse and your job will done and you can easily run a Java code on your Pc , Laptop :)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Simply added Double( Data type)values

/* In this program am simply added to double values*/

import java.util.Scanner;
class cool {
public static void main (String args[]) {
Scanner arsi =  new Scanner (;
double fnum , snum ,answer;
System.out.println("Enter 1st number");
fnum = arsi.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter 2nd number");
snum = arsi.nextDouble();
answer = fnum + snum;

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Data types

/*Look at in this code.. You simply use the each data type value which you wants .Thats the beauty of  the java.Am still saying that i import the util.Scanner line because whenever you wants input you have to import this line*/
import java.util.Scanner;
class main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
     System.out.println("Enter the int values");            
      Scanner var  = new Scanner(;
      System.out.println("Enter the float values");            
      Scanner var2  = new Scanner(;
      System.out.println("Enter the string values");            
      Scanner var3  = new Scanner(;

/*if you guyz any queries about anything which we studied yet , Ask me
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Getting Input from the user

/* Heres the 3rd code post .In this post i will tell you how to get a input from the user  */
/*The below line import java.util.Scanner is used whenever we want to get input from the user , its very interesting */
import java.util.Scanner;
class strawberry {
public static void main (String args[]) {
System.out.println("Enter a String");
   // arsi is object which we are using
   Scanner arsi = new Scanner (;
/*In the above program, am telling u , how to get a string , but i promise in the next post i'll tell u  how to get int , float , double values , stay tone with my blog , am sure u gonna learn out in the upcoming post :)*/
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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Declaring Variables

/* Since java is a case sensitive language so be careful while declaring any variables , functions or classes
in this program i will tel  you how to declare a variable a simple variable */

class parent {
public static void main(String args[]) {
    /* since arsi is my nick name so thats y am using arsi as a variable  :) , i hope u will choose some
               gud variable name */
                 int arsi;
arsi = 6 ;
              /* you will notice that i used 3 system.out.print at lines but all the code u will see in the same line
                 bcoz i used print not println , if i used println the it will at each different line   */
System.out.print("i want ");
System.out.print(" movies");
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Hello world

//All the codes are executed in Eclipse
//How to write a simple hello world Program

// Main class
class Parent {

// Main function , since there is return value so we are using void main
public static void main( String args[]) {

      // system.out.println or system.out.print is basic syntax , if you want to display something
    // you can use print instead of  println
System.out.println("Hello World");

// end of main function

// end of class
// All the queries will be answered on demand
// if i did some mistake in code , ur; suggestion will be considered Helpful
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Monday, March 17, 2014


With Java, Sun Microsystems established the first programming language that wasn’t tied
to any particular operating system or microprocessor.
Applications written in Java will run anywhere, eliminating one of the biggest headaches for
computer users: incompatibility between operating systems and versions of operating
The following paragraph will give some information about the history of Java and explain how this
programming platform from Sun Microsystems was created..
Java’s core principles developed out of a desire to build software for consumer electronics. It all
started out in 1990 when a team of Sun researchers developed some concepts for a new direction in
high-tech, consumer-driven technology. Computers were everywhere and were the driving force
behind many of the products in the home: the VCR, the microwave oven, the security system, and
the stereo system.
However, each product required its own interface. In other words, to control three devices,
consumers had to have three remote controls and to understand programming for three devices. In
addition to the fact that Sun was falling behind on it’s competitors, this was the background for Sun
to launch a new project which would later become Java.
A team code-named Green was formed to work on creating a simple device that controlled a variety
of day-to-day electronics products. The team consisted of two programmers; Patrick Naughton and
James Gosling, and engineer Mike Sheridan. Gosling realized that what they needed was a new
programming language.
As it was, existing programming languages like C++ had its emphasis on speed, not reliability. In
consumer electronics, reliability is more important than speed. As it turned out, Gosling and
Naughton managed to bring their work together, and create a new language which they called Oak.
This happened in August 1991. A year later, the Green Team had developed a hand-held device with
no keyboard, no buttons, and a tiny screen. You touched the screen to turn it on and controlled the
action on the screen with a fingertip. This made it possible to program the VCR just by moving your
finger along the screen. Still, this technology did not take off. Amongst others the chips were too
expensive to manufacture. Ultimately the Green Team was a failure.
However, Bill Joy, one of the co-founders of Sun, saw an opportunity for Oak in the emergence of the
World Wide Web. His idea was to release Java for free over the Internet. By giving your product
away for noncommercial use you can make it the standard. The name Oak had to be changed due
to the fact it was too close to that of another product. Consequently, Oak was renamed Java in
January 1995.
Today, Joy’s vision of free and accessible technology is a reality. But Sun still needs to make sure
that Java becomes the standard; then it needs to figure out how to make money from the product.
Selling commercial licenses is one way to go.
One big step was taken on December 7, 1995, when Microsoft signed a letter of interest with Sun for
a Java-technology source license. Additionally, Microsoft agreed to give Sun Microsoft’s reference
implementation of the Java virtual machine, and the apple application programming interface (API) for
Windows. This deal was important. By integrating Java into its Explorer browse, Microsoft provided
Java with a huge base of previously untapped Windows users. In addition, it was a major
endorsement form the world’s largest software firm that Sun’s Interment technology is top-notch and
goes a long way towards establishing Java as de facto open standard for programming on the

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

About Blog

This Blog will contains all the data only related to Java . I believe this Blog helps you alot in understanding the Pure Java. :)

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